Viking VK-W-2000A Weather Resistant Doorbox SpeakerZoom

Viking VK-W-2000A Weather Resistant Doorbox Speaker

Item# VK-W-2000A
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Answer your door or gate from the safety of your telephone! The Viking VK-W-2000A surface mount doorbox is designed to be installed on the unused telephone line input of nearly any phone.

When the "Call" button is pressed, the doorbox generates a standard ring cadence for an adjustable number of rings. To converse with the visitor, the inside party simply answers the call from the phone of their choice.

Viking VK-W-2000A Features:

- New high output speaker amplifier with volume adjustment POT
- Microphone volume adjustment POT
- 24V talk battery
- 20Hz ring generator (3.0 REN ring load maxiumum)
- Selectable number of rings (2, 3, 10, or 30)
- Extended operating temperature range: -15 degrees F to 130 degrees F
- Compact 45 degree terminal strip for easy wiring
- Optional Enhanced Weather Protection (VK-W-2000A-EWP)
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